R - 4.1.2

Basic Information


  • OneApi compiler


  1. Load the miniconda module.
$ module load miniconda3-4.10.3-oneapi-2022.0.0-2mgeehu
  1. Change to a conda enviroment different from the base one.
$ conda activate ENV_NAME

If you have not created a conda enviroment, you can create it with the command

$ conda create --name ENV_NAME


Creating a conda enviroment or changing between enviroments will not hinder your capabilities in navigating in the console as you normally would do.

  1. Install R
$ conda install -c conda-forge r-base=4.1.2


We recommend using the conda-forge channel for the installation as well as the installation of other R packages, since it has the most recent packages.

  1. Check the installation.
$ conda list r-base

You should be able to see the name of the package, version installed and the channel it was downloaded from.

Installing R packages with conda

  1. Move to the conda enviroment you want to install the packages in.
$ conda activate ENV_NAME


If you don’t know in what conda enviroment you currently are, you can check with the command $ conda env list, the enviroment you have activated will be marked with an asterisk.

  1. Install the package.
$ conda install PACKAGE_NAME


Before installing the package, to make sure the one you are installing is the correct one, we recomend that the user looks up beforehand the name of the package in the anaconda repository: https://anaconda.org/search. Here you can also find the command to install the packages if you have any problem installing them.


With this method you can install packages for R without having to use install.packages(“package_name”) inside R.

Installing R packages with R Studio Interpreter

  1. load the conda module
$ module load miniconda3-4.10.3-oneapi-2022.0.0-2mgeehu
  1. activate the enviroment where R is installed
$ conda activate ENV_NAME


If you don’t know in what conda enviroment you currently are, you can check with the command $ conda env list, the enviroment you have activated will be marked with an asterisk.

  1. Enter to R Studio interpreter
$ R

Once you have enter to the R Studio interpreter you can install the packages with the command:


Running Example


#SBATCH --partition=longjobs                    # Partition
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks=1                              # Number of tasks (processes)
#SBATCH --time=1:00                            # Walltime
#SBATCH --job-name=test_r                       # Job name
#SBATCH --output=%x_%j.out                      # Stdout (%x-jobName, %j-jobId)
#SBATCH --error=%x_%j.err                       # Stderr (%x-jobName, %j-jobId)
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL                         # Mail notification
#SBATCH --mail-user=jmonsalve@eafit.edu.co       # User Email

module load miniconda3-4.10.3-oneapi-2022.0.0-2mgeehu
source activate test1

##### JOB COMMANDS ####
Rscript simple_script.r